The true leader of First Christian Church of Stratford, Texas, is Jesus Christ. We follow the Word that God has given us, the Bible. We strive to honor and resemble Him to the best of our human abilities through the power of the Holy Spirit in us. Our goal is to do whatever God is calling us individually, and collectively as His church, to do. We are not perfect people, just people who serve a perfect God. We would love to meet you and answer any questions you have.
Youth Pastor: Joli Hauser
Elders: Billy Elliott, Billy Bell, Jeanne Bell, Claude Fedric, Leonda Fedric, Barbara Haile, Jack Haile, Dean Hauser, Lynda Hauser, Ray Hauser, John Lavake, Nina Lavake, Martha Mitts, Jessie Preston
Chairman of the Elder Board: Jeanne Bell
Secretary: Gena Rae Whatley
Pianist/Organist: Marihoward Englebrecht
Custodian: Joyce Harkins