Our Approach

Our desire is to create an atmosphere for you to feel at home as you discover the God of the Bible and His plan for your life.  All are welcome in our church, as we know all people are created in the image of God.  We also know that all are sinners (yes, even us) and are in desperate need of the forgiveness found on the cross.  We hope you will discover the neverending love, grace and peace of God as we worship Him with our lives.


Our Story

We were recently affiliated with the Disciples of Christ denomination but decided to depart from that relationship and become an independent, or nondenominational, Christian church.  We are the only non-denominational church in the town of Stratford, Texas.  This allows us to follow the standards set in God's Word rather than traditions and customs created by men.  We work with and honor our neighboring churches and desire to partner with them in the common salvation issues, while not getting caught up in the minimal differences in practice.

Meet the Team

We have a small, dedicated team working to bring the Gospel to Stratford, Texas.  While a few main positions are highlighted here, there are many who work together to make our mission happen.

Dave Meyer

    Dave Meyer

Senior Pastor


Joli & Dean Hauser

Youth Pastor & Elder


Dean Hauser

Chairman of the Elders


Unpictured church staff:  Gena Ray Watley, Secretary; Joyce Harkins, Custodian

Elders: Jack Haile, Barbara Haile, Billy Bell, Jeanne Bell, Dean Hauser, Ray Hauser, Lynda Hauser, John Lavake, Nina Lavake, Claude Fedric, Leonda Fedric, Tim Weldon, Dee Mayfield, Sheila Mayfield